Medical indications


The breathing monitor is suitable for all babies because the insidiousness of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) lies in the fact that it also unexpectedly effects healthy children.

According to SIDS expert and head of the pediatric clinic, doc. MUDr. Hana Houšťková, CSc. it is essential to use a breathing monitor in situations where the baby suffers from:

  • proven sleep apnea that lasted more than 20 seconds,
  • apnea with bradycardia (slow heart rate)
  • apnea due to premature birth,
  • ALTE events,
  • breathing disorders,
  • bradycardia when treated with caffeine, theophylline and similar drugs,
  • whooping cough,
  • muscle weakness,
  • return of the contents of the stomach to the oesophagus or mouth (gastroesophageal reflux),
  • chronic pulmonary disease,
  • neurological or metabolic disorders affecting respiratory control,
  • tracheostomy or anatomical anomalies that cause respiratory vulnerability.

Doctors also recommend monitoring for babies whose elder sibling has died of SIDS


Sleep apnea

The term apnea refers to a disorder where people stop breathing or breathe with less intensity durin...

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